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Actionable Intelligence through Analytical Interpretation

Posts tagged YouTube Podcast
Podcast: Condo Market Hits Highest Inventory in Past 5 Years

Eitel Insights first video podcast, we hope you enjoy the content.

Historic government stimulus and mortgage deferrals not to mention the eviction ban has held prices buoyant in the intermediate, these stimuli’s are all coming to an end. Eitel Insights does not believe prices will hold their current level as the months continue to progress and the economic climate nationally, and locally worsens.

Inventory is the headline of the August market update. The Greater Vancouver condo market has just risen over 6000. The first time the inventory has been that high in over 5 years. Eitel Insights has warned that need based sellers would continue to force inventory levels higher.

The new normal has people working from home and the need to live downtown has diminished. This trend is likely continue, the old draws that had young working people moving to the city’s core are as gone, as the handshake. With businesses allowing more employees to work from home, no social gathering after work at the favourite watering hole, and no exciting weekends at the night clubs. These and more factors are leaving the downtown real estate market with a glut of inventory.

The rising need to sell is best exemplified through the new monthly listings, which once again was over 2900 new listings. Which marks the first time that has occurred in over a decade. What makes this data and chart interesting is the higher highs along with the higher lows over the previous 2 years. As technicians say the trend is your friend. Higher inventory out of a need to sell, will create intense competition amongst sellers of comparable units which inevitably leads to lower sales prices.

Sept 22 Podcast.png

Historic government stimulus and mortgage deferrals not to mention the eviction ban has held prices buoyant in the intermediate, these stimuli's are all comi...